Tom Rossau Beleuchtung | Luminesy

Tom Rossau

Tom Rossau Lampen – Zeitloses skandinavisches Design mit Fokus auf Nachhaltigkeit

Tom Rossau ist ein dänischer Lichtdesigner, der im Keller des Hauses seiner Eltern in Fårevejle, Dänemark, begann, das für seine kurvenreiche Landschaft und das Licht an der Nordwestküste bekannt ist. Anfang der 90er Jahre begann Tom Rossau, verschiedene Arten von Produkten zu entwerfen. Schon bald entwickelte Tom Rossau einen spezifischen Stil, der sich auf Leder konzentrierte. Tom entwarf und nähte alle seine Designs selbst und eröffnete 1997 ein Geschäft in Kopenhagen.

Seit 2004 arbeitet Tom hauptsächlich mit Naturholzfurnier mit besonderem Fokus auf Beleuchtung. Im selben Jahr eröffnete Tom sein eigenes Beleuchtungsgeschäft in Kopenhagen. Zunächst waren seine Lampen nur in seinem Geschäft in der Istedgade in Kopenhagen erhältlich, doch 2006 wurden die TR5, TR6 und TR7 auf der Möbelkonferenz in Kopenhagen der breiten Öffentlichkeit vorgestellt, wo TR7 zum Publikumsliebling gewählt wurde.

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    Tom Rossau TR5 - Pendelleuchte

    €485,00 €2.130,00

    TR5 from Tom Rossau - the flowing lamp Designed by the famous danish lighting designer Tom Rossau, the TR5 pendant appears exceptionally dashing in its stacked wood veneer strips. The...

    NO111 - Pendelleuchte


    NO111 from Tom Rossau - the classic rounded lamp Designed by the famous danish lighting designer Tom Rossau, The NO. 111 draws nature inside, bringing an exquisite warmth to all...

    Tom Rossau TR7 - Pendelleuchte

    €515,00 €895,00

    TR7 from Tom Rossau - the flowing lamp Designed by the famous danish lighting designer Tom Rossau, the TR7 is where it all began. The TR7 was one of the...

    Tom Rossau ST903 - Pendelleuchte

    €510,00 €2.100,00

    ST903 from Tom Rossau - A lamp with character and volume Designed by the famous danish lighting designer Tom Rossau, the ST903 is a stunning, oval plywood lamp that looks...

    Tom Rossau TR41 - Pendelleuchte

    €860,00 €985,00

    TR41 from Tom Rossau - sculptural, asymmetrical shape of slats Designed by the famous danish lighting designer Tom Rossau, the TR40 adds a special Nordic expression to the home with...

    Tom Rossau TR37 - Wandlampe

    €895,00 €1.315,00

    T37 from Tom Rossau - an organic lamp with a modern twist Designed by the famous danish lighting designer Tom Rossau, The TR37 brings a new twist to the Tom...

    Tom Rossau TR33 - Pendelleuchte


    TR33 from Tom Rossau - an elegant and sculptural lamp Designed by the famous danish lighting designer Tom Rossau, the TR33 is an elegant and sculptural lamp. The large body...

    Tom Rossau TR747 - Pendelleuchte


    TR747 from Tom Rossau - the paper plane lamp the TR747 was designed by the famous danish lighting designer Tom Rossau. The Tom Rossau TR747 pendant, also known as “Come...

    Tom Rossau TR22 - Pendelleuchte

    €625,00 €780,00

    TR22 from Tom Rossau - the organic lamp Designed by the famous danish lighting designer Tom Rossau, the shape of the TR22 was inspired by the organic twist of the...

    Tom Rossau TR19 - Pendelleuchte

    €480,00 €860,00

    TR19 from Tom Rossau - a sturdy and elegant lamp Designed by the famous danish lighting designer Tom Rossau, the TR19 pendant has a sturdy and very elegant look. The...

    Tom Rossau TR7 - Stehlampe

    €715,00 €940,00

    TR7 from Tom Rossau - the flowing lamp Designed by the famous danish lighting designer Tom Rossau, the TR7 is where it all began. The TR7 was one of the...

    Tom Rossau ST906 - Tischlampe

    €515,00 €665,00

    ST906 from Tom Rossau - A simple and timeless lamp Designed by the famous danish lighting designer Tom Rossau, the ST906 is a timeless lamp that, because of its size,...

    Tom Rossau ST906 - Pendelleuchte

    €375,00 €515,00

    ST906 from Tom Rossau - A simple and timeless lamp Designed by the famous danish lighting designer Tom Rossau, the ST906 is a timeless lamp that, because of its size,...

    Tom Rossau TR41 - Stehlampe

    €1.050,00 €1.175,00

    TR41 from Tom Rossau - sculptural, asymmetrical shape of slats Designed by the famous danish lighting designer Tom Rossau, the TR40 adds a special Nordic expression to the home with...

    Tom Rossau TR37 - Tischlampe


    T37 from Tom Rossau - an organic lamp with a modern twist Designed by the famous danish lighting designer Tom Rossau, The TR37 table lamp brings a new twist to...

    Tom Rossau TR37 - Stehlampe

    €1.075,00 €1.315,00

    TR37 from Tom Rossau - an organic lamp with a modern twist Designed by the famous danish lighting designer Tom Rossau, The TR37 floor lamp brings a new twist to...

    Tom Rossau TR37 - Pendelleuchte

    €490,00 €895,00

    T37 from Tom Rossau - an organic lamp with a modern twist Designed by the famous danish lighting designer Tom Rossau, The TR37 brings a new twist to the Tom...

    Tom Rossau TR36 - Pendelleuchte

    €655,00 €820,00

    TR36 from Tom Rossau - an organic lamp with a modern twist Designed by the famous danish lighting designer Tom Rossau, The TR36 brings a new twist to the Tom...

    Tom Rossau TR33 - Stehlampe


    TR33 from Tom Rossau - an elegant and sculptural floor lamp Designed by the famous danish lighting designer Tom Rossau, the TR33 is an elegant and sculptural lamp. The large...

    Tom Rossau TR32 - Stehlampe


    TR32 from Tom Rossau - an elegant and sculptural floor lamp Designed by the famous danish lighting designer Tom Rossau, the TR32 is an elegant and sculptural floor lamp. The...

    Tom Rossau TR32 - Pendelleuchte


    TR32 from Tom Rossau - an elegant and sculptural lamp Designed by the famous danish lighting designer Tom Rossau, the TR32 is an elegant and sculptural lamp. The large body...

    Tom Rossau TR12 - Pendelleuchte

    €285,00 €480,00

    TR12 from Tom Rossau - the classic rounded lamp Designed by the famous danish lighting designer Tom Rossau, The TR12 has a very classic look, with a soft, rounded profile....

    Tom Rossau TR10 - Stehlampe

    €1.065,00 €1.805,00

    TR10 from Tom Rossau - the hourglass lamp With the iconic hourglass shape, TR10 from the famous danish lighting designer Tom Rossau is a lamp that speaks to our aesthetic...

    Tom Rossau TR10 - Pendelleuchte

    €950,00 €1.620,00

    TR10 from Tom Rossau - the hourglass lamp With the iconic hourglass shape, TR10 from the famous danish lighting designer Tom Rossau is a lamp that speaks to our aesthetic...

    Tom Rossau TR7 - Tischlampe

    €480,00 €760,00

    TR7 from Tom Rossau - the flowing lamp Designed by the famous danish lighting designer Tom Rossau, the TR7 is where it all began. The TR7 was one of the...

    Tom Rossau TR5 - Stehlampe

    €1.052,00 €1.221,00

    TR5 from Tom Rossau - the flowing lamp Designed by the famous danish lighting designer Tom Rossau, the TR5 floor lamp appears exceptionally dashing in its stacked wood veneer strips....

    Tom Rossau TR5 - Tischlampe

    €600,00 €680,00

    TR5 from Tom Rossau - the flowing lamp Designed by the famous danish lighting designer Tom Rossau, the TR5 table lamp appears exceptionally dashing in its stacked wood veneer strips....

    Tom Rossau TR5 - Wandlampe

    €640,00 €820,00

    TR5 from Tom Rossau - the flowing lamp Designed by the famous danish lighting designer Tom Rossau, the TR5 wall lamp appears exceptionally dashing in its stacked wood veneer strips....

    Über Tom Rossau

    Obwohl Tom Rossau in den letzten Jahren erheblich gewachsen ist, hat das Unternehmen seinen Fokus auf seine Kernwerte beibehalten, die sich auf ein Wort reduzieren lassen: Design.
    Dank der jährlichen Ausstellungen auf der IMM Köln und der Northern Light Fair in Stockholm wächst die Zahl der Einzelhändler, die mit Tom Rossau zusammenarbeiten, jedes Jahr stetig. Das Portfolio des Unternehmens ist im Laufe der Jahre immer weiter gewachsen und besteht mittlerweile aus Regalen, kombinierten Couch-/Esstischen und einer breiten Palette neuer Lampen.
    Tom hat neue und interessante Modelle entwickelt und entworfen, die er aus den unterschiedlichsten Materialien von Sperrholz bis Kupfer herstellt. Für Tom ist es wichtig, dass seine Kunden mit dem Licht zufrieden sind, das sie brauchen. Tom Rossau erhält immer mehr wohlverdiente internationale Anerkennung. Er legt großen Wert auf Details und überlässt bei seinem Design nichts dem Zufall.

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